In this section of the Gambling Disorder Screening Day Toolkit, hosts and supporters will find resources and information on screening for Gambling Disorder and guidance on how to participate in Screening Day:

Introduction to Gambling Disorder Screening Day

Gambling Disorder Screening Day – Read an overview of Screening Day, including its history and purpose.

Gambling Disorder Screening Day: A Guide for Screeners – A comprehensive guide for screeners on how to prepare for and host a Screening Day event.

Instructional Video: The Gambling Disorder Screening Day Toolkit – This instructional video provides an overview of the contents of our Screening Day Toolkit.

Gambling Disorder Screening Day Reports – These yearly reports summarize annual Screening Day activities, support, and participation.

10th Annual Gambling Disorder Screening Day: Interview with Dr. Debi LaPlante – An interview with Dr. Debi LaPlante about the history, growth, and future expansion of Screening Day.

Materials for Screening Day Hosts

Host Data Reporting Form – Complete this short Google form to let us know how Screening Day went! While not required, we strongly encourage hosts to complete this form after Screening Day. Data collected are used to improve Screening Day and track its outcomes and reach.

BBGS Pocket Screener – Carry these pocket-sized BBGS screeners anywhere! Now offered in English, Spanish, simplified Chinese, Brazilian Portuguese, Haitian Creole, and Vietnamese. Email the Division to place an order (maximum 50 per language) and we will ship them to you for no cost (shipping within U.S., only).

Screening Day Promotion Guide – This guide provides outreach ideas and promotional language for Screening Day hosts and supporters.

Screening Day Graphics and Logos – Access and download our official promotional graphics and logos for all your Screening Day communications.

Screening Day Flyer Template – This downloadable and customizable flyer helps hosts spread the word about Screening Day.

Screening for Gambling Disorder 

Why Screen for Gambling Disorder? – This one-pager summarizes evidence-based information on the importance of screening for Gambling Disorder.

Brief Biosocial Gambling Screen – Brief screens, like the BBGS, can help to identify potential gambling-related problems and the need for further evaluation. The 3-item BBGS is available in both a printable format and online as an e-screener. The e-screener is available in 22 languages.

Screening for Gambling Disorder during the COVID-19 Pandemic – This resource provides information for providers detailing how to screen for Gambling Disorder during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Screening Positive for Gambling Disorder: Guidance for Providers – This resource provides guidance for providers on what to do when a client screens positive for Gambling Disorder.

Treatment Resources for Gambling Disorder

Treating Gambling Disorder: A Guide for Providers – This one-pager summarizes evidence-based treatment approaches for Gambling Disorder.

Practice Guidelines for Treating Gambling-Related Problems: An Evidence-based Treatment Guide for Clinicians – This website was designed for treatment professionals who want to learn more about evidence-based treatment approaches for clients experiencing gambling-related problems.

Gambling Disorder Referrals – A list of organizations that offer resources and services related to treatment and recovery from Gambling Disorder.

Key Hotlines – A list of hotlines and helplines for problem gambling, substance use, domestic violence, suicide, and families and children.

Supporting Families and Friends of a Loved One with Gambling Problems: A Provider’s Guide – This resource provides guidance for providers on supporting individuals impacted by a loved one’s gambling.

Your First Step to Change, 3rd Edition – A free self-help toolkit of resources to help start the journey toward recovery from problem gambling behavior.

Change Your Gambling, Change Your Life – Dr. Howard J. Shaffer authored this book about self-guided recovery from gambling-related disorders.