The Division’s outreach activities are evidence-based and cover multiple expressions of addiction. These activities reach a diverse audience of health care providers, policy makers, scientists, and the general public. We also offer a variety of resources, ranging from comprehensive screening and assessment tools to self-change toolkits.
Outreach & Resources

BBGS e-Screener
The BBGS e-Screener is an e-version of the Brief Biosocial Gambling Screen, a tool designed to help people decide whether to seek formal evaluation of their gambling behavior.

Cambridge Health Alliance Readiness for Gambling Expansion (CHARGE)
This initiative is designed to advance healthy communities across Massachusetts and beyond.
Read more Cambridge Health Alliance Readiness for Gambling Expansion (CHARGE)

Computerized Assessment & Referral System (CARS)
CARS is a software package that lay people can use to easily administer assessments and generate personalized clinical reports.

Expressions of Addiction
Expressions of Addiction is an exhibit of original photographic portraits and accompanying biographies that depict people during various stages and expressions of addiction.

Gambling Disorder Screening Day
This international grassroots movement was started by the Division in 2014 to provide education about and support providers in the identification of Gambling Disorder.

Independent Science-based Information on Gambling & Health Training (InSIGHT)
InSIGHT is an evidence-based multimedia training system for gambling industry employees.
Read more Independent Science-based Information on Gambling & Health Training (InSIGHT)

Problem Gambling Tx Guidelines
A website for treatment professionals who want to learn more about evidence-based treatment approaches for clients experiencing gambling-related problems.

Your First Step to Change
Your First Step to Change is a collection of self-change toolkits, available to the public and free of charge, for individuals who would like help or information about making a change.