The Division on Addiction offers a variety of problem gambling-related tools and resources, also available in its comprehensive Gambling Disorder Screening Day Toolkit, which has been implemented worldwide.
What is Gambling Disorder?
One-page article describing Gambling Disorder from a mental health perspective
Gambling Resources & Referrals
Additional problem gambling information and support provided by Cambridge Health Alliance, as well as in greater Massachusetts and nationally
Your First Step to Change: 3rd Edition
The third print edition of Your First Step to Change, a toolkit of resources to help start the journey toward recovery from problem gambling behavior
e-Your First Step to Change – Gambling
An electronic edition of Your First Step to Change, based on the first edition
The BASIS 2019 Special Series on Gambling Disorder
A full month of science reviews and op-eds related to Gambling Disorder and its relationship with other expressions of addiction
BBGS e-Screener (Brief Biosocial Gambling Screen)
A brief screen designed to help people decide whether to seek formal evaluation of their gambling behavior